24 Sep 2012

Day 22: S. O. S

Hi Dad, can't you hear me S.O.S?? Really really miss you, need you. I hope you was here with me now. Can't you imagine how much i want to discussion with you right here, now??

How can she pick up her cell phone (and it's just her friend call her for nothing important, useless call!) when she have discussion with me about my future, my life?? And she ask me, why i'm be mad to her. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh I just want to share, i want to be listened. Just listen please, can you give me  a little of your time?

I really really wanna talk to you dad. Really. I know you can understand me very well. You never say it, but I KNOW! It's S.O. S dad, S.O.S.

You can't hear me? Dad, can't you hear me S. O. S?

It's hard to be growing up without you Dad.

The one and only. Lonely.


ps: Sepertinya hormon kewanitaan saya sedang memuncak. Gimana bisa saya jadi begini sensisif dalam beberapa hari ini. aaaaaaarghhhhhhh wrawr.


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